Im tired, I am losing it

Mr. Mister March 23, 2025 8:01 am

I used to defend Jk's redemption arc but bro... It's just going in circles. It's realistic for character, sure but atp it's just smut stacked on smut as an excuse to 'progress'.

For one, this chapter (67) could have been a great way to actually kick of JK's redemption by denying Kim Dan's request for sex and challenging his central character. But no, his dick has to always get some ass because how else can he live without gooning every chapter?

    Visenya March 23, 2025 8:13 am

    like literally why are we repeating the last uncensored chapter man
    the smut isnt even good (to me) because its just the ml getting his rocks off while the mc is just accepting the situation and waiting for it to end