people be crashing out like someone who has a guilty conscience... if you don't have the s...

Lain March 23, 2025 7:17 am

people be crashing out like someone who has a guilty conscience...
if you don't have the same energy for horror movies, violent video games and all other "problematic" media, maybe try to think if your logic makes sense

    Itiswhatitis March 23, 2025 8:49 am

    The difference between that problematic media and this PROBLEMATIC media is that this shit tries to portray grooming and pedophilia as something normal and cute. Any media that attempts to normalize and romanticize such things deserves to be shamed and hated—along with those who defend it with their whole lives.

    Take Berserk, for example. It's a dark psychological manga, but did the author ever depict rape and murder as something romantic? No. It’s shown for what it is—traumatic and horrific. But this pedo shit? It tries to make pedophilia look normal and cute. Learn the difference, dumbfuck.

    soobie March 23, 2025 9:33 am
    The difference between that problematic media and this PROBLEMATIC media is that this shit tries to portray grooming and pedophilia as something normal and cute. Any media that attempts to normalize and romanti... Itiswhatitis


    Lain March 23, 2025 9:37 am

    @Itiswhatitis but it's not normalizing it anymore than IT normalized orgies in the sewers or Hannibal normalized cannibalism. I get that you don't like the argument that it's fiction, personally to me it makes every difference knowing that I'm not watching someone getting harmed, but even propaganda doesn't work if you have thought out conviction and solid morals.

    If someone picks up violent behaviors from pieces of media the blame's squarely on them; it just doesn't happen to the majority of people.

    Gragill March 23, 2025 12:42 pm
    @Itiswhatitis but it's not normalizing it anymore than IT normalized orgies in the sewers or Hannibal normalized cannibalism. I get that you don't like the argument that it's fiction, personally to me it makes ... Lain

    That doesn't mean that pedophilic fantasies or propaganda should be normalized wtf.

    Orgies are whatever, cannibalism is so extreme non-insane people would not even concieve of it as something possible and it is still regarded as disgusting and derraged af, but a 10 year old fanning over a much older neighbor to the point of fantasy is easily believable, because all adults have one way or another to contact children, so yeah, that one is obtainable and normalizing it WILL encourage pedophiles. Just look how much pedophilia there is in cultures that are obsessed with promiscuity. Their entertainment reflect those fantasies and encourage them, so rejecting them actually helps to prevent it because of social pressure to feel like the piece of living ill meat pedophiles are.

    Itiswhatitis March 23, 2025 12:53 pm
    That doesn't mean that pedophilic fantasies or propaganda should be normalized wtf.Orgies are whatever, cannibalism is so extreme non-insane people would not even concieve of it as something possible and it is ... Gragill

    Honestly i am tired of explaining shits to these fuckers as no matter how much valid arguments you give they still gon justify this pedo shit ,i am sure even after all this explanation they'll still come up with excuses

    Itiswhatitis March 23, 2025 1:04 pm
    @Itiswhatitis but it's not normalizing it anymore than IT normalized orgies in the sewers or Hannibal normalized cannibalism. I get that you don't like the argument that it's fiction, personally to me it makes ... Lain

    Hannibal does not normalize cannibalism but instead explores the act of consuming human flesh as deeply disturbing and morally reprehensible, emphasizing its psychological and societal implications. It is horror-themed for a reason. I haven't heard about the other one, so I can't say much.

    Pedophilia is far more common in society than cannibalism or orgies, as the other person said. Every crime is the criminal's fault—obviously—but my point is that media/fiction portraying pedophilia as something romantic or normal incites and encourages potential or actual pedos, making them feel less guilty—or not guilty at all—about their actions.

    For example, imagine a potential pedo reading this manga and then seeing people in the comments heavily defending it. How do you think they’d feel—guilty or proud? If you have even a single brain cell left, you’d understand what I'm saying.

    Itiswhatitis March 23, 2025 1:20 pm
    @Itiswhatitis but it's not normalizing it anymore than IT normalized orgies in the sewers or Hannibal normalized cannibalism. I get that you don't like the argument that it's fiction, personally to me it makes ... Lain

    So what i am saying is The LEAST you can do is keep your weird fantasies to yourself. If you’re going to read this stuff, read it silently. Don’t scream about how you want to see a fictional child getting groomed and worse. And don’t get offended when others hate it—it’s normal to hate pedophilia. Again, I said the LEAST you can do! Because I know y’all degenerates aren’t going to stop reading, no matter how much someone explains why it’s wrong. Even though I loathe the very existence of this pedo manga and wish it would get banned, I know it’s impossible. It’s disturbingly common in Japan to depict kids and minors sexually through fiction. But as a degenerate reader, you can at least be a little sensible and mature. The rest is up to you.

    altereden March 23, 2025 4:03 pm
    @Itiswhatitis but it's not normalizing it anymore than IT normalized orgies in the sewers or Hannibal normalized cannibalism. I get that you don't like the argument that it's fiction, personally to me it makes ... Lain

    bro the problem isn't with having pedophilia in a story, it's with GLORIFYING it. i don't think any of the examples you gave made it a cute thing lol?? like it wasn't like "orgies in the kawaiiiii!" lmao there's no problem with having rape, murder, pedos in a story, if they don't show it as a good thing

    tsuyuna March 23, 2025 6:06 pm
    @Itiswhatitis but it's not normalizing it anymore than IT normalized orgies in the sewers or Hannibal normalized cannibalism. I get that you don't like the argument that it's fiction, personally to me it makes ... Lain

    d၇ৎllette March 23, 2025 6:29 pm

    1/10 ragebait

    soobie March 23, 2025 7:08 pm
    1/10 ragebait d၇ৎllette

    ragebait so bad it's not even worth rating

    Lain March 23, 2025 8:21 pm
    That doesn't mean that pedophilic fantasies or propaganda should be normalized wtf.Orgies are whatever, cannibalism is so extreme non-insane people would not even concieve of it as something possible and it is ... Gragill

    (@altereden @Itiswhatitis) it was an orgy of 11 years old, but that's beside the point, I could have given any other examples like South Park or Dexter; the distinction between horror and romance is a completely arbitrary choice you're making because you know that gta doesn't cause violence. pedofilia is overwhelming considered more disgusting than murder and I don't think anyone is getting emboldened by comments stressing to you the difference between reality/fiction; like come on, there's apparently actual CP on all the mainstream porn site (definitely twitter), we're slightly overlooking the real problems there're with laws in these "promiscuous cultures".
    [and as an aside, I remember studies saying that the stigmatisation of non-offending pedophiles prevents people from seeking therapy. not a hill I want to die on though]

    can you all really not draw comparisons from your personal experiences? this site is chock-full of stories that "romanticizes" lack of consent and people cheering it in the comments, nobody is going around raping people because of YAOI.

    your line of thought isn't any different from conservative wanting to ban lgbt education, obviously I'm going to push against it.

    Itiswhatitis March 23, 2025 8:31 pm
    (@altereden @Itiswhatitis) it was an orgy of 11 years old, but that's beside the point, I could have given any other examples like South Park or Dexter; the distinction between horror and romance is a completel... Lain

    Nigga you're beyond save atp i have already debunked everything you said before and doing it again would be a waste of time and like going back to square one so all i can say is CRY ABOUT IT. We won't stop hating on this shit
    Also here's something to your "fiction doesn't affect reality, no one going around raping people because of yaoi" take
    This is one of the many documentaries of such cases
    "Laws have been enacted to criminalize "obscene images of children, no matter how they are made", typically under the belief that such materials may incite real-world instances of child sex abuse

    altereden March 23, 2025 8:49 pm

    no one's talking about banning anything. do you really can't see the difference between shota oni and the examples you're giving? just think to yourself why are you so hellbent on defending this? Yea, people won't do such acts just because they read it in a manga. However such mangas give the perverted freaks a safe space for their thoughts. yea censoring is not the way but shouldn't people atleast 'crash out' like you said, so these pedos don't think this is normal. just see the comments, when they have a community, they start thinking such things are normal. this is a manga site, stop trying to deflect the matter. i have this same energy for the yaoi normalising rape, like you said. both are issues. simply looking at this authors's works, can't you understand what disgusting creep he is?

    anyways on the topic of fiction not having a effect on real life, here's something you should read regarding the effects of loli/shotacon mangas on Japan (how it causes actual cp) read from pg 49 if its too long

    Lain March 23, 2025 8:56 pm

    @Itiswhatitis have you even read the links you've sent me? it's clearly stating that there's no consensus about this. the argument in opposition is presenting statistics going down even after the existence of lolicons. the one in favor are made up scenarios or one incredible niche case.

    there's no peer-reviewed research here

    Lain March 23, 2025 8:56 pm

    @all it's been real but I'm muting this now. have fun protect the very existing victims of Shota Oni

    d၇ৎllette March 23, 2025 9:04 pm
    (@altereden @Itiswhatitis) it was an orgy of 11 years old, but that's beside the point, I could have given any other examples like South Park or Dexter; the distinction between horror and romance is a completel... Lain

    what you're trying to say literally doesn't make any sense, idk what point are u trying to fight, we don't give a little shit even if u mute this

    d၇ৎllette March 23, 2025 9:09 pm

    u glaze paedophilia so much to the point u sound like one, idk how ur brain works but i didn't consume media for this type of shits and for the likes of you who defend such negative things

    Itiswhatitis March 24, 2025 1:38 am
    @Itiswhatitis have you even read the links you've sent me? it's clearly stating that there's no consensus about this. the argument in opposition is presenting statistics going down even after the existence of l... Lain

    I am honestly baffled by how stupid someone can be,i think you're the one who didn't even read the article,the article is literally an example of how PEDOPHILIA content incites crimes in real life.

    "Akiyoshi Saito, a psychiatric social worker who treats convicted child sex abusers, said that though the direct negative impact of this manga hasn’t been proven, it’s CLEAR that the comics encourage assailants to commit sexual violence" the article says

    "When Takashi Kato first picked up a comic book illustrating a child having sex, it became a turning point for him—this was the content he’d been looking for all his life.Increasingly, he sought more explicit content. When he physically abused children, he’d think of the images he saw in comics" IT LITERALLY SAYS "HOW HE INCREASINGLY SOUGHT MORE EXPLICIT CONTENT AFTER READING LOLICON AND STARTED ABUSING REAL CHILDREN" you dumbfuck

    Itiswhatitis March 24, 2025 1:39 am
    @all it's been real but I'm muting this now. have fun protect the very existing victims of Shota Oni Lain

    We'll have fun hating on this manga nk matter how you cry , we'll keep shaming the retarded author and retarded audience like you whose whole life revolves around defending PEDOPHILIA online