Tale of the Yellow Dragon. I was rereading chapter 6 because there was some clue when Monster Mugo and Jaheon were playing games. There was a reference to Urn of Doom and Samsara (the concept of birth, life, death and rebirth). The clay pot thing is the urn and it's called Urn of Doom so I expect it to be similar to TotYD the way Yooshin was kept in the urn for days until a dark stormy night when he was swallowed whole by the black snake to ascend godhood. So I was guessing that Mugo was also used as a sacrifice by the main family to get riches and whatnot and the evil spirit inhabited Mugo and made him into a false god. Idk tho...
Poor baby is traumatized from being put in that clay pot thing. It makes me think about TotYD by BWAT. What if he was used as a sacrifice to lure a snake to swallow him whole? The way Yooshin was swallowed by Yellow Dragon as a black snake which then ascended him to godhood. But maybe Mugo did evil incantations instead to invoke Glasses Mugo and/or Monster Mugo who were evil spirits and not gods? That's why the Well God doesn't see Mugo as a God but an evil spirit? My brain is working on overdrive but I am still unable to figure out the relationship between these three. Also, if Glasses Mugo wanted a sacrifice so bad then why did he feed Jaheon his blood? I wonder what he is plotting.