And that's exactly the problem. Everyone knows how it should end, but the story itself shows the opposite. No passion, no friendship, no care for each other, no love. I'm okay with the ending where MC leaves ML and goes his way, that would be natural in this case. But it's frustrating cuz everyone know it's just a poorly written story

This is my assumption rn. We all know that jjk fell in love with Dan. Dan will continue to offer himself to the point that jjk realized what he had done. Once he realize this and his feelings, how can he get Dan to stop reducing himself to a sex object? He wants to see Dan smile, laugh, and act his genuine self. He will agonize that he will never be able to see that ever again. Jjk will attempt to keep him close but I believe jjk will really fall into a deep pit of agony when Dan attempt to end his life. I'm assuming that Dan might lead to suicide but it might not happen. But rn, his only attachment to life is his grandma, which ain't looking pretty rn. I'm irritated asf that Dan is doing this, but at least he grew one bone in his back.... just one.

I don't think the suicide will happen, we kind of had an assumption of it when ML appeared near him. And my problem with ML is that his is a one-emotion guy, always angry, no deeper feelings, no really internal turmoils. He doesn't look like someone capable of caring. He's not even a sociopath, he's just poorly written. But i'm actually interested how the author is going to make him realized all the thing you mentioned, because they kinda need to happen according to the yaoi rules. I personally don't believe it will be done well, in a way that makes sense, but I hope they will convince me :)
Okay, at this point in the story I have no idea where the plot needs to go in order for it to end with a believable happy ending. I feel like no matter how the story tries to turn into a happy ending, I won't believe it.