But like fr! Clodan didn't hurt her, he manipulated her to to thinking he's the only one w...

EM LYNX March 23, 2025 1:12 am

But like fr! Clodan didn't hurt her, he manipulated her to to thinking he's the only one who is there for her, which is true! He helped,cared and loved her cause her family was a bitch! He never physically abuse her. He didn't want to hurt the babies we all know that, he only tried to kill it because he thought it was a monster, cause he him self was cursed to be a monster, and he doesn't want her to be killed by her baby that was cause by him! And if he knew it wasn't a monster he would have been a great father. I guess he didn't tell her because he was afraid that she would hate him for being a monster and making her bare a baby monster. But i liked that she trusted her instinct that her child wasn't a monster, clodan was just a jerk and worried that it would be like him.

    Mail March 23, 2025 2:58 am

    Didn't he rape her in the forest

    *Clover* March 23, 2025 3:59 am
    Didn't he rape her in the forest Mail

    You calling manipulation not hurting her dam...your bar so low.
    So lets put this in irl context a girl shes 17, shes been raised with no sex ed, she cant read or write, has elementary education okay.
    She meets a guy that tells her he'll make her learn more, he does but oh. He proceeds to fuck her every flippin day, she has no clue a man fucking her every single hour isnt normal she just a little lady after all. In modern terms thats rape, he took advantage of her poor education to rape her. Did she have several warning of not opening the door, to run away but lets see. He hurt everyone who tried to convice her otherwise, got rid of her brother who tried to run away with her (yeah he sucked but still) when his maid said that he should be better, she was punished. His nanny who pleaded her to leave got banished.

    He didnt just manipulate her, he took advantage of the circumstance and actively prevented anyone from teaching her better. The best warning she got was "you should better leave".

    *Clover* March 23, 2025 4:06 am

    Also a jerk is a guy who forgets he planned a date with you, a jerk is someone who doesnt do the chores at the home, a jerk is a guy who doesnt show any affection to you even if your dating, he leave you on read while you text, and cheats on you. Thats a guy you call "hes such a jerk". Saying he is a manipulator and equaling that to a jerk, is like saying a middle school bully is the same as a known Serial Killer

    Nelcy March 23, 2025 5:31 am

    It's so cute how you're trying to brainwash yourself into thinking he's not so bad. I mean, he did have his redemption arc so it's okay to you know, forgive him. But trying to justify his past actions isn't good. Just accept everything he did was bad..very very bad. Put yourself in her situation, and let's just think of him as an ordinary man. It's horrible!

    Sphinx March 23, 2025 6:10 am

    Uhhh if clodan doesn't look that handsome your opinion will change.

    CaiChiCat March 24, 2025 9:07 am
    It's so cute how you're trying to brainwash yourself into thinking he's not so bad. I mean, he did have his redemption arc so it's okay to you know, forgive him. But trying to justify his past actions isn't goo... Nelcy

    They are right tho....ofc not everything should be forgiven but trying to abort the children. I remember when those chapters were coming out everyone was hating on HER not him because "the baby will kill her, she's stupid after"

    *Clover* March 25, 2025 12:53 am
    They are right tho....ofc not everything should be forgiven but trying to abort the children. I remember when those chapters were coming out everyone was hating on HER not him because "the baby will kill her, s... CaiChiCat

    Our complaints arent only on the abortions bit though, Its that op is deluding the past actions of this man and simply putting him as a jerk. The abortion is actually one of the tamest thing hes done in my opinion.