Doing God's work here

Puppyboy Agend-er March 23, 2025 12:43 am

It's not clear what exactly happened that night since Saha is an unreliable narrator right now, but here we go.

Saha has blocked most of what happened the night Heetae was murdered from his memory. He remembers seeing him and Heesu struggling against each other and Heetae taking the drop from the balcony, but he doesn't remember bribing the lil girl with the snacks Heesu gave him. It's why he's confused the next morning when she's in possession of them given that Heesu gifted those specifically to him. He was trying to bribe her to say she saw Saha and not Heesu that night 'cause he's trying to take the blame for it. Unfortunately, he doesn't remember this exchange so he's freaking out 'cause he's sure Heesu murdered Heetae and that it wasn't an accident.

Heetae lost it on Saha not 'cause he thinks he's actually pregnant ((duh)) but that now that Heetae is gone Saha is gonna try to stay in the family, or in Heetae's mom's favor, by faking a pregnancy. He didn't realize that the idea of Saha being pregnant was originally the mom's insane delusion 'cause he gagged in front of her. He's also probably pissed off at the possible event that Saha and Heetae had sex.

Either way, Heesu is now bribing the lil girl and her mom to keep everything a secret about Heetae's death. Whether he's the one that actually killed him or it was Saha somehow, Heesu wants to make sure that no one pins it on Saha somehow. He's got the ability to make it all seem like an accident so long as Saha or the other witnesses don't blab.

Any other questions?
