I'll post my comment right here for you to see: "Guys, while it is true that the Seme did not groom the Uke, one cannot deny the unavoidable ascending influence in relationships with such big age gaps.
So yeah, romanticizing those aren't exactly ideal, but at the same time, it does happen: and it should remain a hazard, and not schematic (not seeking for this agegap in every relationship).
Still love this story, as the MC did everything right, and did not pursue a relationship with someone younger but with one specific person happening to be younger.
Do not deny the ascending influence necessarily implied by those relationships; it's pretty well depicted in this webtoon ! Being aware of it is what avoids manipulation, the same way as being aware of a trap allows us to reduce it's effects to the strict minimum.
Blindly affirming that age gap does not have any influence is just dumb."
Once again the "christian fujoshis" trying to make everything problematic and not understanding what even grooming is