How are people more celebrating about this getting animated over worrying that that's an a...

d၇ৎllette March 22, 2025 10:26 pm

How are people more celebrating about this getting animated over worrying that that's an actual kid...

    miipsy March 22, 2025 10:59 pm

    my little niece is an actual kid. Tsubaki is a fictional idea of a boy tha does not exist.

    mellow March 23, 2025 2:07 am
    my little niece is an actual kid. Tsubaki is a fictional idea of a boy tha does not exist. miipsy

    B-but what about the fictional minor?! If I don’t defend them how will I gain internet points!?

    Itiswhatitis March 23, 2025 2:37 am

    ThAt's FiCtIoNaL wE ArE hAvInG OrGaSm BeCaUsE wE cAn FiNnAlLy wAtcH pArTiAL sHoTa PoRn,wE'rE pEdOs bUt iT's FiCtIoN sO iT dOeSn'T cOuNt,hOw dArE yOu hAvE cOmMoN sEnSe?

    Itiswhatitis March 23, 2025 2:39 am

    @mellow nigga do you gain internet points for defending this pedo shit? I guess you do

    Lain March 23, 2025 5:58 am

    @Itiswhatitis why are you still here?...
    look, could you got ask the shota of this story how he feels about all of this? he'll settle it

    Itiswhatitis March 23, 2025 8:56 am

    @Lain why nigga? Do you think you own this comment section ?this is not your basement lil bro,Just like how you can comment WHATEVER you want i can do the same,if you're so offended then grow a fucking spine and deal with it,And write properly i can barely understand what you you mean the kid? Oh how can i forget that you lack common sense lol, a kid doesn't know any better! A kid can't give consent! So no! I can't ask the kid it'll be useless,the one who's almost adult should be responsible

    d၇ৎllette March 23, 2025 6:23 pm

    gooning to a kid is crazy work

    Batata March 25, 2025 9:18 pm

    Don't you think it's Yuu who needs to be saved by tsubaki advances also what's pedo and grooming in this, I've yet to see the "grooming" part and my god pedo???? Fk idiots get your brain checked maybe you guys are ones dying to grope a kid so badly that you've thinking of nothing but disgusting stuff, ew!

    Itiswhatitis March 26, 2025 2:29 am

    @batata "Shotacon is often criticized as a genre that sexualizes young boys in anime, manga, and other media, raising ethical and moral concerns. It is frequently associated with problematic depictions that blur the line between fantasy and exploitation. Many people and organizations view shotacon as harmful, arguing that it normalizes inappropriate themes and could contribute to unhealthy attitudes toward children. Because of this, shotacon is widely condemned and, in some places, subject to legal restrictions" answer from CHAT GPT
    "Shotacon, abbreviated from Shōtarō complex, is, in Japanese contexts, the attraction to young boy characters, or media centered around this attraction" answer from Google

    What's in the title? "SHOTA" ! BTW batata,this is not for you to read as I know you lack an organ called brain,this is for those new users to stop them from reading who might read your reply and get wrong impression about this manga about being normal