If you want to stop seeing the updates just make sure to unsubscribe to it and you won't see it update anymore. That's what I do for the stuff I want to marinate
If you want to stop seeing the updates just make sure to unsubscribe to it and you won't see it update anymore. That's what I do for the stuff I want to marinate ItzTinSeL
But if I tried to do that I might forget about it entirely just like what happend to other manhwas
If you want to stop seeing the updates just make sure to unsubscribe to it and you won't see it update anymore. That's what I do for the stuff I want to marinate ItzTinSeL
Girl with my memories, i know for sure i would interly forget the story
Every time the story updated I can't stop myself from reading, I think I should've marinate this first, at least until he found his family...