What if the judge knows something that Miria doesn't know? Because, as Miria mentioned, i...

~♡ March 22, 2025 10:04 pm

What if the judge knows something that Miria doesn't know? Because, as Miria mentioned, it is unusual to see the search team in the judge's room. It feels intentional. Don't take Mori away from Miria, Rider and the family.

    theunknown March 22, 2025 10:33 pm

    i have a feeling mori is going to be revealed as incredible person with hidden power or something, which is why he couldn't talk/had strange things happening to him. but, if the author decided to go a comedic way, maybe the judge brings mori to his mansion and the judge falls in love with mori's cuteness lol. then mori gained a grandma/grandpa figure

    Vicki March 22, 2025 10:58 pm
    i have a feeling mori is going to be revealed as incredible person with hidden power or something, which is why he couldn't talk/had strange things happening to him. but, if the author decided to go a comedic w... theunknown

    Notice how his eye color changes!
    I think he might be a child of the judge and someone else...
    An experiment at first to see if it was possible

    ~♡ March 23, 2025 1:17 pm
    i have a feeling mori is going to be revealed as incredible person with hidden power or something, which is why he couldn't talk/had strange things happening to him. but, if the author decided to go a comedic w... theunknown

    Lol..if it is the latter option, it would be hilarious..would love that to happen. Whatever happen is, we're all just wanna see Mori to be a happy kiddo besides his family. (⌒▽⌒)
