Yeah, it is kinda funny how some readers are suffering but still reading the story they hate. But I also sometimes do it: keep reading disturbing and disgusting content in disbelief that this kind of shit can actually be created by someone's sick brain. But if the story is captivating enough I still eat it till my limit.
Also I totally agree with you that it is disgraceful to shame other people for having different taste than yours. But I actually do this too in my comments sometimes. Not like I am proud about it. I don't really intend to target the story's lovers, it is more like emotional shit that is expressed in a messy way. Don't take such comments seriously.
Ngl I’m so tired of people disliking the story, and still reading it, just to bash it. It’s fiction, you understand that right? Some people enjoy stories like this, rather darker stories, like myself. People like you are seriously just annoying, if you dislike it, go read something more to your taste, instead of bashing people who read stuff like this. Like..I myself don’t really like cutesy stories, therefore I simply don’t read them much, I’m not shitting on the people who like it or bashing the story and author. End of the day, ITS ALL FICTION GET OVER IT, people who enjoy stuff like this, do not wish it irl.