??? It literally shows the bottle of meds that the Doctor prescribed. She told him to lay off the drinking, too. And having someone “watch over you” doesn’t mean in the literal sense- it’s just someone in the house/near the bed to keep caution if Dan does wake up….it’s not an unbelievable thing to say??? I’m confused as to why you chose this very minor thing to nitpick

It is a minor thing ONLY if you think that making someone else shoulder that responsibility of watching over a sleepwalker during the night, on a regular basis, would not eventually cause problems for that person's own rest, or affect the quality of their own sleep. Particularly so when there ARE tons better solutions: I've taken the trouble of making even a shallow online research and behold, evenbasic sites with tips on "how to help a loved one with sleeping disorder" say the same thing. They only give you tips on what you do if you happen to see someone sleepwalking, but NEVER recommend that you become the sleepwalker's regukar watcher they recommend instead, that you "place an alarm or bell on the bedroom door and if necessary, on any windows", if you have to. Even parents of sleepwalking children are advised any other measures over "keeping an eye" on their sleeping children since they know parents needing to stay alert when they should be resting, and thus getting sleep-deprived in the long-run, only makes things fworse for the entire family. It's not a real solution.
Lol, the author finally did go for "fictional doctor's bullshit logic". I already said a realistic doctor would not only give him med for his sleepwalking or sleeping pills to knock him out at night, but tell him to try locking his bedroom door at night, laying off the booze, and starting psychological therapy, etc, and basically anything else rather than directly tell him to "have someone watch over you". While a realistic doctor would certainly say it's better to have a roommate than live alone, they wouldn't do something so IDIOTIC as practically enforce sleep deprivation on a "watcher" third person, since that person would need to stay awake to "keep watch". Why do that when the doctor can just prescribe that the patient take sleeping pills, or any type of medication that can prevent sleepwalking, before that? Common sense tells you the other person needs their sleep too, and can't keep watching over you for nights on end, because depriving others from their rest isn't a real solution, and sleep deprivation can turn into a serious health and *mental* problem.