Oh my god so Saha killed him and put the blame on the brother in law ahahah period king

uwuar March 22, 2025 8:54 pm

Oh my god so Saha killed him and put the blame on the brother in law ahahah period king

    Puppyboy Agend-er March 23, 2025 12:32 am

    No, Saha was trying to cover for Heesu by bribing the lil girl to say she saw Saha the night of the accident. He doesn't remember that he did this tho which is why he's confused that the snacks Heesu gave to him specifically are now in the girl's possession.

    Heesu went to the lil girl to make sure she doesn't follow through with what Saha told her 'cause he doesn't want Saha taking the fall for Heetae's death. They're both trying to cover up the murder by either taking the blame or making it seem like a complete accident.

    No one is throwing anyone but themselves under the bus.