Okay first of the reason I finished this is bc pf the cat and the funny shits but excep fo...

Mei March 22, 2025 8:23 pm

Okay first of the reason I finished this is bc pf the cat and the funny shits but excep for than….sigh like Im really really angry cant the uke just kill himself like really bro youre getting hell just give your kitty to your mommy and just DIE BRO WTF like bi insan hoc bi biseyin farkina varmaz amin evladi uke orospu seme senin ben ecdadini sikeyim pic herif annesiz herif ikimizde ölünce seni cehennemde bulup sikip sikip cogalticam zebanilerw sonra tekrar diriltip tekrar oldueuxem pust insan bi degisir bu bide yani autjor hanim sikim neysen bu neydi ya, WHAT WAS THIS AUTHOR I CANT EVEN SAY NIM BC YOU sigh is there anyone who liked this story shit show?? Bari semeti azicik sevdirmeli yapsaydin be birazcik asik olsaydi yani bune aq ya siktin kafami gece gece bunu okuyan beynimi sikeyim yanimda kedim vardi kedim olmasa telefonu gotume sokucaktim sinirdwn :3 ya havle vela muhammedi sikerAllah
