OMG YAASSS! I thought I was the only one think similar stuff lol.
Tho I don't want them to get back bcz the red hair guy did turn into an ahole, but that feeling when you write a "side character" so well that the main one feels plain, is so real here. He does have more personality than the black hair boy, which his only personality trait is being obsessed with the girl.
I really loved their backstory, so sad it ended like that. T-T
I also like the FL btw, compared to some other FL in other webtoons she the most accurate to a normal person I guess.

Agreed, black haired dude also tbh feel too one dimensional. They ofc had to add a gigantic dick to him and as well as him actually being rich. It feels like author just went with the stereotype “ok women like money and big vegetables” let’s just go with this instead of actually adding more to his character
i literally dont gaf about her and this black haired boy ngl, the age gap icks me out but thats js me. i really want to real back when she was in highschool with orange head. i REALLY LIKE HIM WHEN HE WAS YOUNGER BRO LIKE SERIPUSLY DEVASTATED. i like him in highscool way more then black haired guy because it seemed like genuinely did love her at one point but black hair dude seems like he only wants to have sex with her