Idk if this would work for you, but something i do:
1) Take shorthand notes during lectures
2) Skim the textbook (if there is one) and add in anything that is gonna be needed for the test
3) Condense my notes into a study guide
4) Record myself reading the notes out loud and adding any additional helpful info
5) Play the recording on repeat while I do other things. This way I can subconsciously memorize what I need to know.
This whole process takes around a day or two for me since I've got this down to a science lmao, but try listening to the audio while driving or cleaning. It's background noise and I promise after awhile you'll realize you know everything without ever realizing

hello idk if this will help you or not but me and my friends passed whole college sems by studying one day before. 2 days was so luxury for us lol. ok so we used to just read the whole syllabus and memorize easy things on the 1st day. just skim through it thoroughly. and the next day which was exam day i used to wake up super early and memorize all the syllabus. waking up early clears my mind and also i can understand and memorize anything at that time idk how . you can follow this . best of luck
I just wanna kms rn and i have only 2 days any study tip?