Spoilers below
yesss so basically lily did NOT give a fuck about adaline, and adaline thought she wasn't caught yet. the male lead was absolutely fucking mad at adaline and wanted to kill her as soon as he saw her, which i like more than his cowardly ass in this webtoon. i think if i'm not mistaken the male lead attacked adaline with a sword. lily basically told the ml that he wanted to deal with adaline herself, and she summoned somnia out and scared the fuck out of adaline. adaline fake begging and apologized and everything, and so lily gave her a portal magic tool so she can go back home. adaline immediately snatched the tool and laughed at lily, saying that lily was stupid for trusting her. but then adaline realized that it was a trap and she actually got tricked by lily lol. lily made adaline go insane using the trap and somnia too. ugh i swear to god this chapter was SATISFYINGGGG IDK WHY THEY DIDNT FOLLOW THE WEBNOVEL
We all said it and we weren't wrong: just let Somnia deal with the bitch.
But nooooooo, Lily wanted mercy because of course the crazy bitch who tried to kill her can be reasoned with. -n