It’s a really long story and this manga has a lot more to go. To summarize, he gets captured by Garon shortly after they met with narsha. Garon takes him back to palace and tries to heal him in his own twisted ways (forced medication and trapped him in a room)(while also s.a the mc), one of the guards mentioned the posioning of the Imae tribe and the main consort lady went craaazy and beat up the mc while trying to cut off his horns. Garon came back and killed everyone on site for laying hands on mc. roanjihilo comes back with a dragon and kidnaps/rescues the mc and then Garon follows on another dragon. They had a stand off and got injured SEVERELY. MC thought Garon died and was really sorrowful and tried to save him. Fast forward a month or more and the MC lives with roanjihilo in a secluded far away village. MC struggles with daily life and walks in his sleep at night. Roanjihilo was upset as he thought the MC would have been better by now but ends up asking what the MC wants as it now turns out that Garon NEVER died and was still alive and ruling. MC loved Roanjihilo but ultimately chose to leave him as he wasn’t truly happy. Roanjihilo named MC “Roha” and the MC was happy. MC, now named Roha, went back to his moms house to live there. Garon found out, and would go to visit him and talk to him and this lasted for quite a bit. Garon told Roha that he was no longer destroying the Imae village and would leave it as is. Roha overtime grew feelings for Garon but was so upset because he couldn’t get over his past cruelness and the fact he killed his mom horrifically. Garon started changing himself and stopped killing and torturing people overall. Roha would start to like Garon one second and then would remember his mom and start to beat up Garon and feel resentful. Garon endured it all and allowed Roha to take out his anger on him while still trying to build trust with him. Roha eventually went back to Garons palace to live there with him. He reconnected with the painter friend and told him he loved Garon. Roha was skimming through Garons notebooks and saw that he had various names written down and he focused on one central name “Dahma” that was written over and over on the pages. He asked the soldiers what the name meant and they said “faint purple sunset” and it brought tears to Rona’s eyes. Roha started painting again and used “Dahma” as his alias. The End.

The only thing I wasn't satisfied was w that mc didn't go dahma as his official name on his other eye side to like I was reading all the way w thinking roha is only printed in one eye so even if immae can't change their name since mc is half breed he might be able to get 2 names but the end happens only w Mc taking dahma as his pet name T^T
Ml had put too much thought on that name too like even the page was wrinkled coz of that sm Lmao
Okaaaaay I got so impatient with the uploads that I read the whole novel on readhive.org
The ending was GREAT!