
I think heats are like periods, where when you manifest as an omega it happens at a certain period of time. When a person manifest as an omega really depends on the story. In some stories they young in some they adults, it also depends on the condition they live in and they can manifest at any time. Also there’s “recessive omegas” that are practically betas that don’t get heats so it’s possible that when they meet their partner they can go into heat.
This question popped into my head a few months ago, and it’s been bothering me. So, omegas have heats. And I assume heats are for sexual maturity?? Idk. So does that mean in stories where an omega hasn’t had a heat yet or is having their first heat, it means they aren’t an adult or just became one? Except for stories where it’s suppressants keeping the heat at bay or some medical condition etc.
Because I read ao3 a lot, and sometimes the stories I read have an omega spending their first heat with their partner or their first heat hits and they have no idea what it is etc. Especially in situations where no one told them about heats and everything. And either an age isn’t given but there is no tags/warnings on the fic, or it is alluded/context says they’re an adult in the story. So now I’m confused on how that works
In omegaverse can heats just happen at any age? Even if you’re well into adulthood?? Or is it supposed to be like with women and puberty/periods? it makes me concerned about some stories I’ve read