I think the host mugo is both the old mugo and jerk mugo but they split in half after the incident.The old mugo personality was the front he used to keep up and the jerk mugo was the internal feelings he used to keep suppressed. Because during the incident he was in so much anger and anguish and he was truly himself thats why the jerk mugo remembers what happened and is claustrophobic and old mugo isn't because he used to just be the front he would keep up that's why even if he's sweet and kind and caring he is still sus like he's hiding something and dismissive of others that he finds no interest in like the poor little jellys almost like he's a noble benevolent kind being and everything is beaneath him and smaller han him kinda like one would expect god to be. And I think the hungry mugo was a smaller part of him that was born after the curse/incident. And I feel there's one more mugo whose the cursed one and the core one and maybe like the manifestation of all his grief and anguish. And I wouldn't be surprised if the plot twist is that HE'S actually the core one, the actual god and the other three are aspects of his personality divided and the reason he doesn't come out is because 1) He's in so much grief and anger andpain that he isn't acting like himself or 2) him needing to come out would result in either all three personalities being extremely supressed or combined or disappearing
They have only shown snippets of it but someone was murdered (idk if it was Mugo's lover or whatever) and Mugo wanted revenge or something and he was placed in a clay pot kind of thing. Idk what chapter it was but there has been horrific flashback scenes.
I think the host mugo is both the old mugo and jerk mugo but they split in half after the incident.The old mugo personality was the front he used to keep up and the jerk mugo was the internal feelings he used to keep suppressed. Because during the incident he was in so much anger and anguish and he was truly himself thats why the jerk mugo remembers what happened and is claustrophobic and old mugo isn't because he used to just be the front he would keep up that's why even if he's sweet and kind and caring he is still sus like he's hiding something and dismissive of others that he finds no interest in like the poor little jellys almost like he's a noble benevolent kind being and everything is beaneath him and smaller han him kinda like one would expect god to be. And I think the hungry mugo was a smaller part of him that was born after the curse/incident. And I feel there's one more mugo whose the cursed one and the core one and maybe like the manifestation of all his grief and anguish. And I wouldn't be surprised if the plot twist is that HE'S actually the core one, the actual god and the other three are aspects of his personality divided and the reason he doesn't come out is because 1) He's in so much grief and anger andpain that he isn't acting like himself or 2) him needing to come out would result in either all three personalities being extremely supressed or combined or disappearing