I agree. I get people saying "you should have stayed, you don't have experience in war and will be in the way" . However, they don't realize that maxi, along with everyone, gotta start somewhere. Majority of the female clerics is currently experiencing their first war. Why must she stay in a castle due to lack of experience when her husband became a mercenary at a very young age. It is also an era where people just get tossed in and hope for the best.
Riftan's very extreme emotions is very annoying but understandable due to his upbringing.

Fucking thank you! Spot on, yes! Maxi has to start somewhere, especially since she's still a mage in training. Yes, people seem to forget that Riftan was tossed into war as a literal damn child, so if he managed to adapt and learn at such an early age, it's a bit insulting for Riftan and even the readers to assume that Maxi is far too inexperienced to adapt to the harsh conditions when fucking Riftan managed to do so as a damn kid! You're also spot on about the the treatment of the people during that specific era. They had a very "adapt or die" sort of mentality, so why's that an exception for Maxi when she's been training so damn hard to make herself useful? I understand that Riftan is worried about her, but you're telling me that she isn't allowed to stress and worry about his safety in return? The man's still human in the end, what would happen if he suddenly never returned? Leaving Maxi behind with a child she had no idea was growing inside her?
I don't blame her at all, and it's not her damn fault she had a miscarriage when she herself wasn't even aware that she was pregnant! Maybe Riftan should've spent less time sleeping with his wife and more time actually attempting to communicate and listen to her. At least Maxi tried to open up, and each time, she was met with a door slam after hearing him yell and throw a damn tantrum because God forbid his wife wants independence.

You guys are not even trying to understand Riftan at all. This is war, not some playground. Even people who have trained their whole lives die brutally in wars and you want a husband you loves his wife dearly to be okay with his inexperienced and sheltered wife to go to war because “she has to start somewhere”. You’re take is very unrealistic. Realistically speaking, even in modern times no one would send an inexperienced and sheltered person to war let alone their loved ones whether they be a man or woman. Riftan has spent his entire life on the battlefield. He knows what war is and the tragedy it brings. He’s not going to war because he wants to. He’s going because that is his duty as a knight. He’s going to protect Maxi and his kingdom. Although Maxi has started to train to become a mage it’s still only been a few months. She’s nowhere near ready for even a battle let alone war. He’s justified in being upset and angry at her because although Maxi has good intentions and she isn’t exactly wrong in wanting to help, Riftan also has his duty as husband and knight to protect her especially when she’s completely inexperienced. Maxi saying “don’t treat me like a wife, just treat me like everyone else” doesn’t change the fact that she’s Riftan’s wife and he loves and cares for her. Her safety will always be his top priority and that can be especially dangerous for Riftan himself and his knights especially during a war. Also Maxi shouldn’t be compared to the female clerics because Maxi grew up a noble not a commoner. Even if her father was horrible she still grew up a noble.She is more sheltered than the other female clerics. Those female cleric volunteered because they were somewhat trained and knew they could handle themselves. Also Riftan is only concerned about the safety of his wife, not the others. He will do what he can to keep her save. That’s what any spouse will do. Also future chapters will reveal that Riftan was right for making that decision because not only does Maxi get very badly hurt during the war but she also has a miscarriage. This leads to things just spiralling out of control.

I very much understand riftan's standpoint. Why would he, along with anyone, allow their loved ones to be at war? I certainly stopped my man from going into the military. Here is some spoilers but i must include. Riftan became a mercenary at a young age of 12. He got tossed into battle bc he had to work for it. He met Ruth at age 16. Ruth thought he was at least 20 based on his appearance and his lack of fear for death as he just kept tossing himself recklessly in battle. The other mercenaries begged riftan to join their battles for money bc they know they would have a much better chance of being successful. And this was when he was 16! "She had to start somewhere" is true to this situation. Ruth started being a mercenary at 20, after he ran away from the tower. His odd of surviving increased when he was with riftan and was decided to stick to riftan, knowing that riftan hated him. It isn't like yuly or garrow's case where they were trained and got put in when the knights felt like it. Also, if a female wish to participate in war to assist them for their first time, one method would be to join the female clerics and aid at the back. They will not be in Frontline but at the back. It is still dangerous, but when the knights toss their knights training in, even tho it isn't the frontline, it is still dangerous. Your statement of "Maxi is a noble" doesn't justify anything. Agnes is a princess! Why must a noble who has a title lower than a princess not be allow to go into war and assist at least at the back? "Don't treat me as a wife" is not a correct statement. It's "even tho I am ur wife, i am not your property. I have every rights to my decision without a man needing to dictate my decision." In this era, women are treated as men's property. Later on in the story, the king will even say that maxi does not fall under duke of Croix and she falls under calypse, hence his corporal punishment is unjust. Meaning, if say riftan was cruel, if riftan hits maxi under the guise of discipline, it would be fine bc maxi belongs to riftan.
Riftan, along with all of the knights and Ruth, are concerned for her safety. I fucking pulled my hair out when i read she was gonna go for it but its understandable. You must understand that Maxi joined the clerics bc she is worried for riftan and the knights and Ruth as well. Riftan may be strong, but he is human.
Those female clerics have some training. The male priests said, before leaving to ethlene, that they must bandage, make meds, sew their skin, etc. If you do not know how or have questions, pls come ask me. This indicates that they barely had training. They got desperate and decided to toss people in while training in war. When Ruth caught maxi and pulled her out of the tent, one of the female clerics said "sister Meg (fake name, its maxi) is quite skilled in meds and sewing". Maxi only had a few experience back at anatol for sewing. She is fairly new as well and the fact that majority of the female clerics noticed, shows that they barely have training too. When maxi left the female clerics per Agnes' instructions, none of them were surprised that she was a noble bc she was very good at what she did. The injured soldiers had suspected that she may had been a mage but didn't say anything, perhaps due to the church's dislike of mages.
As unfortunate as maxi losing her child, had she not been there, ethlene would had fallen. Hebaron, Ruth, yuly, garrow, along with everyone who remained at ethelene, would have died. Riftans plan was to force the monsters to go to an all out war so they can end this. To do that, they must move away from base. Mind you, behind ethlene is a route from the kingdom, which is how maxi got there, as she is reinforcement. The monster's plan was to get them to move away from ethlene so the monsters planted under ethlene can kill everyone, then surround the knights , as their back route got closed off and kill them too. They would have lost the war without maxi. Maxi secured the kingdom's safety bc had they lost ethlene along with their knights the 7 kingdom would have fallen. The monsters would have resurrected sektor and annihilated them, and with riftan dead or possibly severely injured, they would have no way of winning. Even with nornui's help, they would have struggled. Her contribution to war was so great that everyone there was more than willing to help her with the tiniest things. Music, plays, and stories were written about her. When they had to go back to war again, trolls or ogres targeted her bc they knew that she was the one who prevented their monster success. Her mage friends all noticed that and pointed it out.
Yes, things did spiral out of control had maxi not been there.
So yes. I agree with riftan's concern for maxi. But what maxi did is understandable. As maxi have no experience, everyone has to start somewhere.

You worded everything perfectly. Simply put, Maxi got hurt which resulted in losing a child she didn't even know she had, but had she not been there at all, Riftan's group would've lost and the outcome would've been a lot worse for everyone involved. It's war, people can and will get hurt, but thanks to Maxi's assistance, casualties were reduced to just her, and that's something that several fans don't seem to understand. Yes, she's reckless, but so is Riftan and yet he gets less slack because he's a brute and a mercenary.

This summary needs to be made into a comment on the first page just so people can stop saying things about maxi. NGL I feel it's so unfair people are taking riftans side more and blaming maxi for so much without realising that maxi is making a stand for herself, getting character development, learning and growing. She is her own person and is trying convey that.

I defend her more than I do Riftan because unlike Riftan, Maxi's actually attempting to grow beyond her trauma and it shows. How hard she's trained with Ruth not to mention how strong and outspoken she's become. Riftan, by comparison just feels like he's holding her back because he's too paranoid about her getting hurt, which does her more harm than good. Yelling and arguing with her doesn't really help at all and, if anything, causes Maxi to rebel against him more.
I frankly don't understand how people could get upset with Maxi when it isn't her fault that Riftan can't control his fucking temper. One chapter, Riftan is somehow justified in treating Maxi coldly, being intentionally short and blunt with her just because she asked for him to not just treat her like his wife, and now Maxi is still getting shit just because she disobeyed Riftan's order and went off to the expedition anyway. Coming from a sheltered upbringing, I 100% understand Maxi's decision for going off and not listening to Riftan, especially with how often he ignores *her* anyway, I'd say it's pretty justified. Maxi wants autonomy, and she's sick and tired of waiting for people and being told what to do, and she's completely valid for that.