I have mixed feelings about this, Main characters are horrible but at the same time I can't expect them to be normal seeing what happened in previous life, especially Wilhelm. I am not much disappointed with Wilhelm (don't get me wrong he did so much wrong) because I never expected much from him, he hardly knows how to be like humans, but what he did was terrible lying, gaslighting, and those 3 days... wtf. He thought of her as a god, it gave him relief but bought much more trouble, humans are not perfect thinking them of god is destructive. Reinhardt disappointed me more, she treated him like tool but got angry when he behaved like a tool, and her initial behaviour felt like grooming, she sent him to battle so early, she said she want to keep her child because she cares just like her father, but then ended up leaving that young boy alone in the Imperial palace, not to mention those children are of both of them, so lying or hiding about them isn't right, They both did so wrong with their kids, I can see that Wilhelm didn't know about them since she hid the kids, but even in Imperial palace he met his son only thrice, but then again I didn't expect much from him, he doesn't know how humans express themselves, he didn't know how to deal with the freedom he got, but still he should have tried to talk to the kid, but he made Reinhardt his whole world. Reinhardt should have listened to him but she started shouting and didn't give a fk. I feel like I sympathise more with Wilhelm because what he went through because of that duchelina was so bad, that the first person who smiled at him was a portrait, maybe I am biased, but Reinhardt had all her memories in second life, she was an adult so maybe thats why I expected more from her. Their first child went through so much, both children were born because of their parents immaturity and selfishness. Even now the parents should atleast keep their thoughts aside and marry each other, thats the least they can do for those poor kids, king can later grant them title of respective land.
Dietrich was the most sensible among them, I love Dietrich and Lione. I am so glad they didn't make him second ml, I would have gone crazy. I don't completely hate the story, the way characters were written is intresting and quite different, they did not just wake one day and took revenge without any major mistakes, they are not perfect, they have real trauma, with real consequences, they are broken because of their past, and they are hurting themselves and others.
I don't know why I loved the fan-art where Wilhelm was standing like a knight and a big Reinhardt was smiling at her, maybe because it perfectly defines the story.
I have mixed feelings about this, Main characters are horrible but at the same time I can't expect them to be normal seeing what happened in previous life, especially Wilhelm.
I am not much disappointed with Wilhelm (don't get me wrong he did so much wrong) because I never expected much from him, he hardly knows how to be like humans, but what he did was terrible lying, gaslighting, and those 3 days... wtf. He thought of her as a god, it gave him relief but bought much more trouble, humans are not perfect thinking them of god is destructive.
Reinhardt disappointed me more, she treated him like tool but got angry when he behaved like a tool, and her initial behaviour felt like grooming, she sent him to battle so early, she said she want to keep her child because she cares just like her father, but then ended up leaving that young boy alone in the Imperial palace, not to mention those children are of both of them, so lying or hiding about them isn't right,
They both did so wrong with their kids, I can see that Wilhelm didn't know about them since she hid the kids, but even in Imperial palace he met his son only thrice, but then again I didn't expect much from him, he doesn't know how humans express themselves, he didn't know how to deal with the freedom he got, but still he should have tried to talk to the kid, but he made Reinhardt his whole world.
Reinhardt should have listened to him but she started shouting and didn't give a fk.
I feel like I sympathise more with Wilhelm because what he went through because of that duchelina was so bad, that the first person who smiled at him was a portrait, maybe I am biased, but Reinhardt had all her memories in second life, she was an adult so maybe thats why I expected more from her.
Their first child went through so much, both children were born because of their parents immaturity and selfishness.
Even now the parents should atleast keep their thoughts aside and marry each other, thats the least they can do for those poor kids, king can later grant them title of respective land.
Dietrich was the most sensible among them, I love Dietrich and Lione.
I am so glad they didn't make him second ml, I would have gone crazy.
I don't completely hate the story, the way characters were written is intresting and quite different, they did not just wake one day and took revenge without any major mistakes, they are not perfect, they have real trauma, with real consequences, they are broken because of their past, and they are hurting themselves and others.
I don't know why I loved the fan-art where Wilhelm was standing like a knight and a big Reinhardt was smiling at her, maybe because it perfectly defines the story.