Honestly, I prefer Viktuuri over YuuVik

Gotapyon May 23, 2017 8:07 am

Honestly, I prefer Viktuuri over YuuVik, but I still read YuuVik djs just for the love of YOI. And because I love seeing them being a love-dovey couple. However, I skip the bed scenes, because, I prefer to see a cinnamon-cute-yummy katsudon bottom. Or an eros power bottom katsudon. Oooh... <3

    Reira❀ May 23, 2017 8:24 am

    Trueeee. I'm the same. I'm all for the power bottom katsudon. <3

    Gotapyon May 23, 2017 9:00 am
    Trueeee. I'm the same. I'm all for the power bottom katsudon. <3 Reira❀

    RRrriiiiiggggghhhhhhtttt???!!!!! It's just like seeing Yuurio as a power bottom to Otabek! Gosh!