I apologise to those who I will offend but...

Random Internet Explorer March 22, 2025 11:14 am

Im sorry but I think this is just such an ass route to take with the story. Like I'm low key pissed for og Fiona because she STILL exists. FL took over her body and started a whole new life but og Fiona was just left there. Like she's sitting there, seeing how her whole life, her whole identity, body, circumstances, are taken over by someone else and sees the difference between them and herself.

Like just imagine, your whole life, you've been dealt the shittiest cards you think possible and can't imagine a single way that your life could have turned out better, living your whole life hated and shunned by everyone you've ever met, only to watch someone take over your body, experience the exact same situations and somehow be loved by everyone?

And I'm not saying that I blame FL for being loved or turning her situation around for the better, im just saying that having og Fiona witness all this, KNOWING that FL is the one who made her life the way it is, I think it's such a pathetic ending for her to just say, "nah, I'll live through you, if you're happy, I'm happy" and then just have FL go back to her life, all fine and dandy as if she didn't just cause immense suffering to og Fiona and never ACTUALLY grant her real happiness.

Like she literally said that she'd do anything that og Fiona wished, but it's not as if she could ask to have her life back because then everyone in it would just resent her for taking away og FL that they all loved. I honestly think it is unfair for og Fiona to just have to disappear into nothing while FL gets to become her, taking her life. I think it's probably because the author is unwilling to give FL her og identity back and give og Fiona her body back, because that's what I deem fair. Og Fiona gets a chance to ACTUALLY live and FL can be who she originally was whilst still being with everyone who loves her. That way she wouldn't be taking og Fiona's chance at ACTUALLY living. And it wouldn't be right for FL to take over og Fionas body and then send her into another one. Like that's HER identity, if anything FL should be the one to leave the body to og Fiona.

And I'm not saying this to hate on the author and I'm definitely not saying that I hate the FL for it, I just find it so disappointing that the og Fiona never got an ACTUALLY happy ending. I feel like this is just meh and it's not really doing her justice.

    Ayaben March 22, 2025 12:20 pm

    They should make OG Fiona be reborn in a loving home so she can experience the happiness of a doting mother and father, maybe even as FL child, not just let her be stuck as a spectator.

    PHANTOMXD5 March 22, 2025 4:28 pm

    I like if they keep og Fiona like a twin sister it will be cute because what is better than one Fiona , TWO FIONAS

    Random Internet Explorer March 22, 2025 9:01 pm
    I like if they keep og Fiona like a twin sister it will be cute because what is better than one Fiona , TWO FIONAS PHANTOMXD5

    Right like both of these comments are good suggestions, I just don't understand why her ending was the way it was, it's just really disappointing tbh.