
Nerd project
Our sunny days
Punch drunk love
Kill me if you can
Don't mix business with pleasure
Dreadful night
Dreaming of the dokkaebi
Honey bear
All these are ongoing bls which are some of the most popular and best works I've seen rn, maybe u can trying reading these and honestly don't trust the ranking and popularity section on this site u can always ask people for recs and you will a lot of hidden gems.
honestly the new yaois don't hit anymore. at least not the popular ones on the home page other than a few exceptions (can't think straight). most of them have the same overused concept or abo. as someone who started reading this when manhwas like dangerous convenience store, bj alex, painter of the night etc was either newly completed or uploading. its quite disheartening to wake up to no uploads and scrolling through the home screen and finding nothing.