Like this is a whole different story non related to KS!!

Kazz0.0 March 22, 2025 9:13 am

Can we stop talking about KS here, it ended years ago let's move on

    [redacted] March 22, 2025 6:13 pm


    Fei March 24, 2025 1:54 am

    literally why would we move on it's her work like lol

    Kazz0.0 March 24, 2025 3:19 am
    literally why would we move on it's her work like lol Fei

    "Fei" I don't see the point of commenting about ks here when it's not even related to it, it'll start to get annoying if they wanna talk about ks they can simply go to it there is still plenty of people who read it, this is a whole new story non related to the authors previous work

    Fei March 24, 2025 4:31 am
    "Fei" I don't see the point of commenting about ks here when it's not even related to it, it'll start to get annoying if they wanna talk about ks they can simply go to it there is still plenty of people who rea... Kazz0.0

    "Kazz0.0" ppl can do whatever they want most of us are here because of killing stalking, it was the work that introduced us to the author and yes there will be similarities as in desigs etc. stop being a stuck up let ppl enjoy ^^ there's no harm as long as its not flooding the comments

    Kazz0.0 March 24, 2025 7:22 am
    "Kazz0.0" ppl can do whatever they want most of us are here because of killing stalking, it was the work that introduced us to the author and yes there will be similarities as in desigs etc. stop being a stuck ... Fei

    obviously, there's going to be some similarities in the designs it's the same artist I don't mind that, and I didn't say anything about the art obvs I know it's going to look the same I ain't complaining about the designs don't know what's the point of your comment when I didn't even mention any of that, I'm saying that this is a whole new story created by our beloved author "koogi" and as I said "previously" there is_no need_ to mention anything that has happened (in) ks it's unrelated I'm not saying people can't say "omg it's the same author of ks" or "omg the same author of ks, it's going to be good" I am not trying to prohibit people from saying any of that, I'm saying that this is a whole new manhwa unrelated to what happens in KS