I've read a comment where someone(who has read the novel explain what happens)
So: zigril feed the flower to the mc, it will change his body practically, and will baby trap the mc to have his child. Why? Well his goal is simple, do you remember that in some chapter ago in the dinner table someone joked about the mc being a perfect empress? Ok, the mc stayed at the joke and didn't really care so he says something like 'oh yeah it wouldn't be bad', zigril had a strange reaction back then but was dismissed easily by the mc.
Now, zigril after talking in this last chapter had something switch inside him, he probably never felt like this before but now that he's obsessed with the mc his goal is to become the emperor (idk maybe he will kill the former emperor his brother, I don't remember) baby trap mc ANND make him his empress.
The fact is that mc will obviously try to run away and escape from zigril after discovering the truth, will be pretty useless and will have a baby boy. Unfortunately from what that person said the mc won't rally have much affection for the baby (u know it was a forced thing on him..)
Soo yeah :,)

Basically yeah, don't get me wrong the mc felt closer to zigril in these latest chapters, he even told that. But he doesn't know how he really feel about zigril yet, he think that zigril will get tired of him.
All will escalate because zigril won't leave choice to the mc because he get mad in this last chapter. All starts here. Maybe the mc would've fall in love NATURALLY of him if zigril didn't do all the things that he did in the novel, rushing the proces and leaving NO choice to the mc. I'm kinda sad for him..
Someone give Kyle a link to the novel plsss so he knows what's happen to him.
I'm sorry für him so cunfused poor baby.