Fret not, My Lady.Dost you recall how Juliette did wrote,"I am not insane." For herself 80 times before she did yield to truth and admitting her lost mind?And now you driven insane by Garon?Fear not, for thou art not alone.Verily, we all share in this fate.Me also, driven insane by him.
please never ever speak old english again
Like I care about other said, lol. Especially you?
Love this
Fret not, My Lady.
Dost you recall how Juliette did wrote,
"I am not insane."
For herself 80 times before she did yield to truth and admitting her lost mind?
And now you driven insane by Garon?
Fear not, for thou art not alone.
Verily, we all share in this fate.
Me also, driven insane by him.