bruh the professor and the actor are both stupid bitches i hate the professor more BECAUSE he Knows that those drugs do harm and i dont think those rugs will make him an omega but its making him forget abt how the professor quite literally forced himself pretty much on him LIKE HOW DARE THAT BITCHASS SMIRK when he saw that the drugs are taking effect on wooju and is that actor bitch stupid AF like how tf do u give someone u supposedly LOVE some unauthorised drugs AND not notice the changes in wooju????? bruh literally went like, "hey these dont have any side effects right?" from sum shady dude believed him when he said no like make this make sense both of the alphas are stupid
bruh the professor and the actor are both stupid bitches i hate the professor more BECAUSE he Knows that those drugs do harm and i dont think those rugs will make him an omega but its making him forget abt how the professor quite literally forced himself pretty much on him LIKE HOW DARE THAT BITCHASS SMIRK when he saw that the drugs are taking effect on wooju and is that actor bitch stupid AF like how tf do u give someone u supposedly LOVE some unauthorised drugs AND not notice the changes in wooju????? bruh literally went like, "hey these dont have any side effects right?" from sum shady dude believed him when he said no like make this make sense both of the alphas are stupid