FCK I MEAN- ok first of all HIII FELLOW PLLI but noooo omg how could my dumbass miswrote the name, I meant to say BAEK DOHWA, BOTH OF THEM FROM OPERATION TRUE LOVEIM SORRY but i still love do eunho tho (im fact he's my fav mwah) but yeah sorry for the confusion :'))
FCK I MEAN- ok first of all HIII FELLOW PLLI but noooo omg how could my dumbass miswrote the name, I meant to say BAEK DOHWA, BOTH OF THEM FROM OPERATION TRUE LOVEIM SORRY but i still love do eunho tho (im fact... A S H Y
OH NO I EXPOSED MYSELF TOO That's so funny ahahah. I haven't read that yet, have to check it out now
Seeing the 2nd couple satisfies my go eunhyuk/do eunho fantasies sm. I love these two.