So hum… about what trigger Jerk Mugo back….

Whoelsetherealone March 22, 2025 4:03 am

Lots of us focus a lot on how creepy Sir Mugo (old man) is in fact shady and how Lord Mugo (The Jerk) is claustrophobic…. But are anyone noticed why Jerk reemerged?

Like we know the three have trigger. Hunger trigger Monster, sweets (which is often associated in Omegaverse to Omegas’ pheromones and scents) trigger The Oldman and sexual desires trigger Jerk….

Since Jerk resurfaces the moment Old Mugo looks at sleepy Jaheon, doesn’t that mean that he was having lustful thoughts at that moment underneath this demure mask. We could explain why Jerk was so vehement when he returns insisting that the Old Mugo would have no hesitation I. For ch ing himself in Jaheon. His comments seems really more of a warning than a free insults to his other self in reaction to being in close space.

Plus, even though it was established they don’t know or remember what the one who has emerged before them is doing when they are confined within, it has recently been shown that they know retain some memory of each emergence activity. Which explains Jerk was able to repeat Jaheim comments about making more sweets to bring the Old Mugo more often and also implies he might be able to tell know what Old Mugo was thinking during their conversation.

And I am pretty sure that what he has retained is the reason he is gradually more disgusted by the Old one and he insist on that personally “still being alpha that just like any other when co fronted to Omega scents”

And I bet you that it will come of the form of the Old guy finding Jaheon’s smell “oh so sweet” and “irresistible” and makes him cross the line.

Jaheon is really the ultimate sacrifice whose body will satisfy all three Mugo, but instead of being through death, it is through sex. That it is a carnal appetite for Monster Mugo, sexual (and probably emotional) needs for Jerk Mugo and sweet craving for the old guy. All of which stem from on singular roots: hunger

Physical hunger, emotional hunger and sensorial hunger that, I would add, encapsulate Alpha’s instincts in Omegaverse. And if sensation is the only thing Old Mugo is after, we are heading toward a really toxic dynamism, since if the only thing a partner is seeking for is its own sensorial gratification, there isn’t a lot of concern left for the other party, is it. It is more of a one way direction.

    Tizzy March 22, 2025 4:08 am

    I love this & never rlly thought abt it that way thanks 4 the insight!!

    QHATTT March 22, 2025 4:20 am

    I love how your comment is in the style of an essay, even the reply to your comment looks like a reply from a peer on an assignment

    ErroresDeLas3am March 22, 2025 4:20 am

    Dang i never thought of it like that, it makes so much sense :DDDD

    manwhafan2020 March 22, 2025 4:26 am

    10/10 analysis for a yaoi manwha this is so spot on!

    Youcityboy March 22, 2025 4:30 am

    Bro you literally cooked on this

    Whoelsetherealone March 22, 2025 10:42 am
    I love how your comment is in the style of an essay, even the reply to your comment looks like a reply from a peer on an assignment QHATTT

    Thanks. That comment make me really happy. Although I am afraid that is due to not being able to have concise thoughts. I rumble

    And it saddens me too when I re-read myself to see how much my phone autocorrector messed up what I wrote.

    Like the sentence “Old Mugo would have no hesitation with forcing himself on Jaheon” got completely messed up, I have a lot of “now” being replaced with “know”. And other error like that.

    So I am grateful you were able to understand my “essay” despite it all