I’m so pissed at the uke. He’s the reason the guy is chosing to be mentally ill and literally dosent care that the original is fighting someone just so he can have two fucking dudes. He liked the guy for who he was now he’s just nah i dont like you but i still want you around. He dosent realize tae ho or whatever his name was is still the original just that the original is pushing him away in his head. If they merged he would be both without needing to seperate personalities andy the original would be himself becauae tae ho is still him just really deep inside. If the uke let him merge and gave him time the original would be tae ho in his own healthy way. Allways acting like he’s being played while he’s the one playing.
I’m so pissed at the uke. He’s the reason the guy is chosing to be mentally ill and literally dosent care that the original is fighting someone just so he can have two fucking dudes. He liked the guy for who he was now he’s just nah i dont like you but i still want you around. He dosent realize tae ho or whatever his name was is still the original just that the original is pushing him away in his head. If they merged he would be both without needing to seperate personalities andy the original would be himself becauae tae ho is still him just really deep inside. If the uke let him merge and gave him time the original would be tae ho in his own healthy way. Allways acting like he’s being played while he’s the one playing.