for some reason fem doms are never emotionally intelligent, or normal about sexual and romantic relationships it’s kinda annoying how this is the stereotype… the girlies can be sadistic doms without it = avoidant towards human connection
im still gonna read it because its not that bad but it’s something i keep noticing with all korean webtoons
i kinda agree. my previous subscription were surprised to see how empathetic I am and cried whenever I gave them aftercare. showing femdom cruel during act but gentle after it would be nicer.
i kinda agree. my previous subscription were surprised to see how empathetic I am and cried whenever I gave them aftercare. showing femdom cruel during act but gentle after it would be nicer. Tarnished
same, as someone who enjoys to dom its weird seeing how unsafe and toxic the plays are to subs. as an emotional one too i get where you’re coming from
plays/aftercare makes me feel really vulnerable so i can’t imagine being cruel after it’s over
for some reason fem doms are never emotionally intelligent, or normal about sexual and romantic relationships it’s kinda annoying how this is the stereotype… the girlies can be sadistic doms without it = avoidant towards human connection
im still gonna read it because its not that bad but it’s something i keep noticing with all korean webtoons