**SPOILER** as someone who’s read the novel, mc straight up has Stockholm sy...

thegoyle March 21, 2025 11:18 pm


as someone who’s read the novel, mc straight up has Stockholm syndrome, him and garon are endgame and he saves garon after the poison kills him. but i literally cannot tell you anything about garon that “redeems” him at all. he just tells him he loves him and stops trying to kill him…truly that’s all. So for mc to like him back, there’s no other explanation for it than stockholm syndrome. Garon never even apologizes for anything till the end of the story.

    zhanshii March 21, 2025 11:53 pm

    so disappointing. not even the fact that they end up together bc that’s obvious enough but this dude has no redeeming qualities. like not even A LITTLE groveling???? no apology? WHAT WAS THE REASONNNN???? wait genuinely though what was the reason for the massacre on mc’s people i forgot lol, is there even one?

    Ronnie March 22, 2025 12:21 am

    What happens to the brother?

    thegoyle March 22, 2025 10:29 am
    so disappointing. not even the fact that they end up together bc that’s obvious enough but this dude has no redeeming qualities. like not even A LITTLE groveling???? no apology? WHAT WAS THE REASONNNN???? wai... zhanshii

    because he wanted to tear down the village and build a castle there… he’s just out of line. and at some point he outright tells mc that he doesn’t feel empathy and just emotions in general, so he won’t apologize for his mother because he doesn’t feel bad BROOO

    thegoyle March 22, 2025 10:46 am
    What happens to the brother? Ronnie

    the brother and mc run into garon and garon starts shooting at them trying to kill them, then mc shields the brother to protect him and gets shot. after that he passed out and garon has taken him again and keeps him locked in his bedroom.

    some time passes and the brother goes back to the kingdom with a new army and goes to rescue mc, there garon gets injured by his brother while they are fighting and he’s too weak because of the imae poison so he’s basically about to die. mc breaks his horn and feeds it to garon to save him and then leaves with the brother.

    after that we see mc’s new life with the brother and they now live in a community with some other villagers that the brother helped and made them a home, mc becomes a teacher for the kids of the village.

    but in the end the mc isn’t truly happy and sleepwalks every night going to the forest. at the same time mc always refuses the brothers advances, so the brother asks him if he’s truly happy staying with him, to which the mc is left speechless and can’t say anything.

    then the brother takes mc back to the village mc was born and raised in, gives mc a name like he promised (Roha) and says goodbye.

    that’s it. that’s literally it we don’t really hear from him again after that. the brother continues helping the community he has and since he gave mc a name, they are connected and mc feels his emptiness and sadness even though they aren’t near eachother.

    Ronnie March 22, 2025 1:14 pm
    the brother and mc run into garon and garon starts shooting at them trying to kill them, then mc shields the brother to protect him and gets shot. after that he passed out and garon has taken him again and keep... thegoyle

    Super thank you and how sad. No one won but that mean man.