I hope it's a bit more gentle than that the first time y'all I got scared when he just flipped him over I need a confession under the moon next chapter please!!
Yes but you don't see stitch lines on his shoulders where the tattoos end PLUS no black person's skin tone look like that pleaseeee lord go outside algea_003
Sorry honey we don’t have black ppl here in my hometown so even if I go outside nothing gonna change
The f u talking bout why I’m suddenly a racist so then black ppl have red hands now than for the new information Mmnnnhh uhhgn shits cutely
Genuinely what the hell are you talking about you're literally saying his arms belonged to a black dude when ain't no black person's skin tone look like that, wondered if he had a "black dick" too, then you used the excuse that there are no black ppl in your area. Like bro this IS racist, idek where the red hand part is coming from intentionally or unintentionally what you're saying is racist dawg
Genuinely what the hell are you talking about you're literally saying his arms belonged to a black dude when ain't no black person's skin tone look like that, wondered if he had a "black dick" too, then you use... algea_003
I hope it's a bit more gentle than that the first time y'all I got scared when he just flipped him over I need a confession under the moon next chapter please!!