Im in awe at how great the translator is (idle_name you are gold and i hope you come across my comment because id like ti show you with love). I mean it. Redrawing. Reinterpreting. Rearranging. That’s some high class work and im really grateful for all the work you’ve done to make this story smooth. Most of the time I found manhua to be awfully translated (no shade just being real) or told in very a weird/ confusing way. But you changed my mind and i’m grateful for the spectacular work you’ve done. Ive read every notes you wrote (something i rarely do tbh) and they were so helpful and informative, i fell in love with the job you done. Thank you so so much! And nice story ofc. But that’s really thanks to you I could enjoy it.
Im in awe at how great the translator is (idle_name you are gold and i hope you come across my comment because id like ti show you with love). I mean it. Redrawing. Reinterpreting. Rearranging. That’s some high class work and im really grateful for all the work you’ve done to make this story smooth. Most of the time I found manhua to be awfully translated (no shade just being real) or told in very a weird/ confusing way. But you changed my mind and i’m grateful for the spectacular work you’ve done. Ive read every notes you wrote (something i rarely do tbh) and they were so helpful and informative, i fell in love with the job you done. Thank you so so much! And nice story ofc. But that’s really thanks to you I could enjoy it.