The only good thing about this is that the pedos are outing themselves so I can avoid them if I spot them in the wild. I hope some of the people cheering for this are still underage with undeveloped brains. Then at least there's hope they'll look back at this and cringe at themselves when they're older.

Ofc another retarded pedo dumbfuck justifying pedophilia by giving the excuse of it being fiction,then why your ass got offended over my comment nigga? How do you not understand distinction between an internet comment and real life comment nigga? Kill yourself honestly, your brain works the same way as all the pedo mfs here, imagine justifying child porn because it's FICTION you're mentally ill get help asap
The pedo hoes in the comments getting an orgasm and on cloud nine like their whole life going to change after watching shota porn lol,that won't stop us from hating on this shit nigga keep crying about people "hating" on this pedo shit ,to those triggered pedo hoes going to downvote me and reply some braindead shit as usual keep doing that it's mad funny lol