Here we go again
you realise that people have the right to complain and criticise content right? why are you taking this so serious? if its just a manhwa. by the way, in a manhwa, the main focus is not just the story. that would be a novel. the fact that it is a manhwa means you need to give importance to the art aswell. media will always be criticised and the fact that you enjoy media that is criticised by others doesnt allow you to tell them to stop. the only time you can say this is when they continuously complain about the exact same problem over and over again instead of dropping it. people dont need to “silently” drop anything. its the internet vro everybody can give their opinion.
So many ppl complain about the body proportions but guess what? It's a MANHWA and the focus is on the story, ofc the artstyle is important too, but if you got hooked on the plot, it doesn't matter that much anymore. If you can't handle the artstyle then drop it silently and go back to your tiktok bubble.
Damn I'm sorry for saying this so rudely but I am annoyed how some ppl can't appreciate a well written storyline because of the bOdY pRoPoRtIoNs. I guess some ppl just like to complain all the time, who knows.
If you can't enjoy it --> leave it, don't waste precious time on hate :p