What an odd thing to say?... I like his beard too but it's not like you'll die if he shaved it. Plus, he looks good. (Just a lil fact— sometimes men looks more baby-like after shaving their beards, so chill tf out
What an odd thing to say?... I like his beard too but it's not like you'll die if he shaved it. Plus, he looks good. (Just a lil fact— sometimes men looks more baby-like after shaving their beards, so chill t... Azaelia
Well i think u just dont get what a twink is in what world is he a twink yall need to stop just using every word u hear because he is far from a twink. This is like seeing someone wear an orange shirt and then asking them why its blue
Well i think u just dont get what a twink is in what world is he a twink yall need to stop just using every word u hear because he is far from a twink. This is like seeing someone wear an orange shirt and the... meowmura
I meant that he looked like a Twink he's not even a Twink he's a middle aged man
I take things seriously now? Says the whiny bitch who cries over shaved facial hair LMAOAOAO growwwww upppppp Azaelia
if ur not dense then you'd know its a joke. why r u so mad i dont like shaved beards tho??? ur being so petty rn its hilarious, get over it lil bro its not that deep <3
if ur not dense then you'd know its a joke. why r u so mad i dont like shaved beards tho??? ur being so petty rn its hilarious, get over it lil bro its not that deep <3 Doll ✩
You're saying now that it's a joke , coz we are against of what you said. Admit it already. You're serious about it.
You're saying now that it's a joke , coz we are against of what you said. Admit it already. You're serious about it. ran
Did we not learn to not take everything on the internet seriously? Or were mommy and daddy too busy to teach u that? Besides everything I say here is a joke, and even if it wasn't why r u so pressed? It's so embarrassing for u girly
eww i want his beard back i want actual menn!!!! atp the author's slowly turning him into a twink