I'm so cooked. I remember reading a fanfic, I forgot which Fandom, (I'm editing and maybe ...

eunsiwon March 21, 2025 12:51 pm

I'm so cooked. I remember reading a fanfic, I forgot which Fandom, (I'm editing and maybe it's yuuri on ice, but I dunno) and there's this scene where uke is at home with his kid watching the scene "pull the lever kronk! Wrong lever!" Then the someone knocks on their door, idk if it's the same or the ukes friend...
It might be only in my dreams tho, I dream a lot of things that makes me mix up dream and reality

    kimchi March 21, 2025 1:23 pm

    you're just like me because i sometimes mention something to my friends like oh yall remember when this happened and they're like ??? no and its because it didnt happen and i just dreamt about it