I think this adaptation is really well done, although the sex scenes still even in 18 version aren’t as detailed as in the novel, everything else is good. One thing that bothers me that is pretty superficial is how MC looks so average, I wished he was a little prettier and had body that was described in the novel.
Dude last sex scene was like 6 chapters , and why is mc being average actually a thing I like Dantalion
Well by what ML described him in the novel, I expected MC to be really sexy, he had way more curves there and his butt was round and nit kinda flat like here. You would know if you read the novel but they get down and dirty there, the kind you rarely see described.
He totally is, he looks like an NPC. It would be fine if he was supposed to be average but he is supposed to be pretty. LeRain
I think that's just POV bias. He was never described to BE pretty, but Sehyun thought parts of him were pretty. But when you're in love, you'll think that way.
I think that's just POV bias. He was never described to BE pretty, but Sehyun thought parts of him were pretty. But when you're in love, you'll think that way. Tsukishiro
Yeah, maybe I set my expectations too high after hearing him being described as beautiful and really sexy by him. I thought that if a guy like ML described him that way and since his standards are so high, then it must be true.
Never read the novel but after hearing this it just makes me like this version more, it's like his affection is what makes him See MC in this light. Kawaiineko❤namjoon
I'm a little superficial, so I always prefer to see beautiful characters. I'm actually like this in real life too.
I think this adaptation is really well done, although the sex scenes still even in 18 version aren’t as detailed as in the novel, everything else is good. One thing that bothers me that is pretty superficial is how MC looks so average, I wished he was a little prettier and had body that was described in the novel.