guys help me these manhwa I read like a while ago

Jsa March 21, 2025 10:58 am

So basically the manhwa is about a girl who has a crush on this guy, but the guy has a crush on a guy and they both were a couple but then the guy who was dating the guy who the girl had a crush on fell in love with the girl. One guy had orange-ish hair the other one had like gray/black hair and the girl had just brunette hair if i recall correctly. Also it was the gray/black hair guy that ended up falling inlove w her

    Jsa March 21, 2025 11:02 am

    oh and also can yall like reply to me if you have any reccomendations of romance like tanin ga li yakuza fiance, pleaseee yall i loved that

    Jsa March 23, 2025 3:59 am
    is it this? kys

    no, its like a very different artstyle and their all in highschool together