This one
Started off fluffy, but then it took a 180 turn into a depressing story

I love Bongchon Bride and will always recommend it but absolutely hated that chapter. 80+ chapters deep and author gotta hit us with that?
But honestly I think the point of it was that abusers may start off just overstepping small boundaries and you think you can handle them until it just escalates to the point that you end up truly hurt.
That's what I took away from it at least.
Not arguing with your point or opinion or anything. Just my thoughts on it.
But yeah, I also wish it that if it happens at all, it happens in the beginning so we can move on and follow the characters healing/revenge arc.
i find that if a story is gonna add unnecessary rape, i prefer they add it in the beginning, so i can override those shitty feelings with the rest of the story, instead of enjoying the story to near the end and getting bitch slapped with the rape on my way out to sour my mood.
im looking at you bongchon bride, never understand. smh