Novel question and future chapter raw spoilers

Pradaris March 21, 2025 1:59 am

Did anyone read the novel and read the raws? I remember seeing someone said they separate and they take like 3 years off to “heal” from the betrayal but in raws they got together kinda right away it seems. Prince ends up actually being there hiding and hears their convo and what’s happening, prince gets touched cus she fought him and basically tells him shit, she might’ve said she likes him too? Cus then prince starts blushing and comes out and hugs her and they kiss :3 Or was I given false info or maybe that person confused it w another lol?

    Daisy March 27, 2025 5:06 pm

    So I did read the novel ….

    Spoiler warning

    So yes some of what you said is true, No they were not separated for years, (Ignis can’t even handle a day without her how would he handle yrs? lol) I can’t remember exactly how long but it was about 2 or 3 weeks. So they changed some things so idk how it’s going to go down but in the novel he’s talking to Illia (OgFL) about Selena and finds out she already knew Selena was a girl this is we’re Corneille comes in and also finds out Selena is a girl ( apparently she didn’t know) they start praising Selena and how great she is when Corneille mentions she knows where Selena went. Ignis replies with he already knows. She’s surprised asking him why hasn’t he gone to her yet? She drops a bomb by telling him that since the queen’s son (Letio) has already gone after her. As soon as he heard that he immediately goes to her arriving when Selena and Letio were talking/fighting but doesn’t reveal himself he overhears everything from Letio admitting he drugged Celestine and threatened Selena’s dad and the words Selena said to him as a kid that made him obsessed. He then hears Letio confess….

    And get rejected, then he hears him ask Selena if she loves Ignis.

    Which she says Yes ! (I can’t wait for this part, it should be soon)
    Ignis hears this making him a really happy guy. He reveals himself after this. They have a small fight until Selena intervenes she tells Celestine to take Letio inside while she works things out with Ignis. They talk and he wants her to tell him her feelings about him he says he heard EVERYTHING but wants to hear it from her directly. Knowing she probably won’t get another chance if she avoids it she confesses, he makes her repeat it about 3 times then they kiss.