the whole house thing is weird. they're like, oh no, we have no architects. the art of making buildings has been lost. so when they visit the neighbouring country they're so amazed by people having nice buildings. and, yeah, maybe nobody would have tried building anything while the crazx tyrant was on the throne. but obviously he's been dead for a while now. ........and not once in 100 years did someone say, hey, maybe we can make an offer for a builder to immigrate here? maybe we should have some of our people apprentice away for a while? maybe we should look at one of the sturdier houses and attempt to replicate it?
the whole house thing is weird. they're like, oh no, we have no architects. the art of making buildings has been lost. so when they visit the neighbouring country they're so amazed by people having nice buildings. and, yeah, maybe nobody would have tried building anything while the crazx tyrant was on the throne. but obviously he's been dead for a while now.
........and not once in 100 years did someone say, hey, maybe we can make an offer for a builder to immigrate here? maybe we should have some of our people apprentice away for a while? maybe we should look at one of the sturdier houses and attempt to replicate it?