I use this website actively everyday for multiple years lol. This is the second time this has happened for me. (The issue with the site logging you out and not letting you log back in)
Usually you just continue to try logging back in and it worked for me after attempting to log in twice, before. But majority of the time for any issue here, you just wait and it eventually gets fixed. My suggestion would just to use a different site in the meantime and make lists there or write them down so you don’t lose any of your reading lists just in case.
This is just one of the issues I’ve been through on this site. Others were:
-comments turned off for a long time
-no longer able to use emojis (for me, I don’t see others having that issue)
-chapters not loading at all, and needing to refresh multiple times or wait for it to appear
-all reading lists disappearing
-site unavailable
-clicking on stories you know you marked but it shows it’s not added

Yeah sometimes stuff can happen suddenly and be fixed in just a few minutes, so it could just happen whenever you’re not online. The reason why I have seen so many issues is cause I got a ton of free time and am on here for hours everyday lmao. (The only time I’m not on this site is for 5 hours a day when I sleep), the rest of the 24 hours I use this site so I catch things often lollll
i couldn’t get in for like 40 WHOLE MINUTES??? tried to log in and request a new password multiple times but nothing worked but now i’m finally in !!! but like what is actually going on rn i got so scared like i have 5 years of stories, comments and questions on hear i thought id die