
madededede March 20, 2025 10:46 pm

hm i really don't know about this one..
the art is good, and the whole political scene is well thought but the way things got resolved is way too simplistic compared to how the villains acted.

like we know Lizena planned the murder of a whole temple and a nanny to hide his son's birth, but she can't get one kill right in the present. the way she kept repeating ''i should've killed you'' was kinda funny lmao, like a crazy running joke. it's not even like MC worked that hard to prevent Lizena's plans, she just happened to find a witness or some papers and voila, trial. the story really tries to put MC and the villainess as two great masterminds but everything is resolved too simply.
also Lizena's character had potential to be a great villainess but she just gave crazy kinda dumb side villain at the end, it's kinda disapointing. like her story as a two-timing societal queen pushed into a foreign mariage with an older man was so good!! and it just kinda got glossed over. i think it's one big flaw of this story, it doesn't set the scene well enough. even if it tell us that so and so have a troubled past, we see it in like 1 speech bubble or 1 pannel. it's not impactful.

for the main storyline, their relationship, honestly it's meh. the reason why he neglected her during the 6 years after she miscaried was ''just because''. they've always been best friends who shared stories and funny moments, and just like that he can't even hold a conversation with her like wtf? while seing each other each day mind you. it is said at some point that he ''didn't know how to act'' when they lost their child, but for that to last 6 years when they've known each other for their whole life??
ML's character is so badly written.. he's an abused child then a merciless killer then an attentive husband to his pregnant wife then a neglectful husband then a possessive angry man faced with a divorced then a miserable ex husband and finally a wipped ex husband and father. all of these emotionnal states felt so forced honestly.

also MC can grow plant?? like okay? she always does it so sneakily too like ''you know my power, lets not talk about it''. please adress it a little bit more??

anyway it was an uneventful read. but i really liked the side characters even if i would've loved to see an epilogue for them.
