help me find this

ash1ynx March 20, 2025 8:24 pm

there was this manhwa(?) where it was set in,,, i literally forgot man. it was kind of like greek mythology. it definitely had incest in it but you know how the grek gods worked right. it was something like the brothers fighting but the plder brother had a thing for his younger brother then the older brother became the king of the underworld and the younger brother ruled the earth but then he net his niece who defeated him. i really need to find this manhwa.

(i am drunk btw)

    altereden March 20, 2025 8:43 pm

    okay so i think this is ENNEAD, but it's egyptian mythology not greek so idk

    zeldafan March 20, 2025 9:12 pm

    99% sure that's Ennead. If it's not, you have full permission to shoot me in the head.