
I honestly don’t know what direction the author is taking anymore, I thought it would be 3p but idek anymore by the newest chapter lol every time there’s cute scenes with heonjae and myeongil, the next time it shows that there’s zero progress between them. And that myeongil pushes him away or thinks he’s annoying. The only progress we see in terms of romance is just jingi and myeongil. ATP bring in another guy for heonjae, preferably one who is bat shit crazy and can match his freak. Heonjae can’t stay alone all his life, he suffered enough as a child already.
Spoilers!! Heonjae stop! Don't!
Heonjae calm down!! Everyone in the Korean comment section is telling him to please not freak out and to get rid of those evil eyes.
After Myeong-il heads to the room first while Heonjae says he'll stay behind to practice his pottery, Myeong-il and Jingi are left to awkwardly be alone in the room together.
Because Myeong-il refuses to acknowledge or speak to him, Jingi resorts to throwing paper balls at him with messages inside for him to read (this is the cheesiest romance thing to do, like what? XDD).
Myeong-il, annoyed by this, opens the paper balls, only to read provoking messages from Jingi.
After repeatedly having insulting paper balls thrown at him, Myeong-il rips apart the last one Jingi throws at him without opening it. But after seeing what was inside, were written math problems that Jingi made for Myeong-il to solve.
Myeong-il realized Jingi wrote these for him, before noticing that he was in trouble for destroying it. Jingi pinned him to the ground.
Myeong-il protested and said that he doesn't need these from Jingi, that the only thing he wants from Jingi is money.
Jingi then asked Myeong-il if he saw...?
"...see what?"
"What was inside the letter."
Myeong-il denies that he did, and asks if Jingi had anything to hide from him in those letters anyway.
Jingi pushes Myeong-il to the wall. He angrily demands, "You started avoiding me ever since you brought the last letter. It's starting to piss me off. So, tell me."
Myeong-il replies, "'re not going to be the first to tell the truth, aren't you?
you're the kind of guy who hates to show even the slightest weakness..."
Jingi says, "What, you think that letter is my weakness?"
"Then what is it? You pretend to be strong by looking down on other people, but now you're all over the place because of a single letter...", says Myeong-il.
"You...ha! you... why do you..." Jingi trailed off.
Myeong-il looks up and sees a different expression on Jingi. His eyes contorted, his brows furrowed, and his nose... red.
For a moment, Jingi approached Myeong-il's face with his own... until Myeong-il notices Heonjae outside the room.
So, Heonjae catches Myeong-il and Jingi being very close, almost as if going for a kiss. But after Myeong-il notices Heonjae, him and Jingi separate.
A few days pass, and Myeong-il narrates that Jingi hasn't said a single word. Not one. He just lies down, in silence...
Heonjae notices Myeong-il feeling bothered by Jingi's behavior...
In labor duty, the old man in charge sees that Myeong-il isn't making progress with his pottery and says that something must be bothering him. The old man concludes that it's most likely that Myeong-il is having problems with their lover. CRASH--!
Upon overhearing those words, Heonjae dropped a large vase, and his mind goes back to seeing Myeong-il and Jingi so close together just a few days ago. And Heonjae's half-lidded eyes look up in dismay, and murmurs "lover..."