He isn't just sheltered, they're being disrespectful to him. They don't see his qualified enough to make decisions for his own life. Froggy
Chill. They are not just worried about moving out. They are scared with the whole concept of him being gay because of how the world might be harsh to him for being one. He was allowed to do what he wants before yk. They were not micromanaging his life prior to finding out he was gay.
Chill. They are not just worried about moving out. They are scared with the whole concept of him being gay because of how the world might be harsh to him for being one. He was allowed to do what he wants before... pennyinheaven
Obviously they would be worried. I'm not unfamiliar with a homophobic society. That in no universe gives them the green card to talk with his bf behind his back. He's also part of the relationship, yet he's also being excluded. For what? You think the only reason is protection?
Obviously they would be worried. I'm not unfamiliar with a homophobic society. That in no universe gives them the green card to talk with his bf behind his back. He's also part of the relationship, yet he's als... Froggy
I already answered that, it's just a guess but that's how I see it.
I already answered that, it's just a guess but that's how I see it. pennyinheaven
I was adding to your point, but then you switched and made it seem like I said something contradictory. The family thinking they can "shelter" him from even his own romantic relationship is just proof that they don't believe he can go on about his life without someone else making decisions for him.
He's a sheltered boy. Idk why the need to do that. In a way, I do find it sweet but for what purpose and at what cost?